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How many carbs in a chocolate chip cookie

Calories chocolate cake as well as fat, carbohydrates, and protein

The calorie table shows you calories, carbohydrates, fat, protein and other nutritional values of the chosen food: chocolate cake

Calorie table for chocolate cake: 70 g

how many carbs in dark chocolate

70 g of chocolate cake contains 253.4 calories and 1061.2 kilojoules. However, the fat, carbohydrate, protein, and fiber content (F, KH, E, BS) is also important for your diet. First, the calorie calculator shows you the nutritional values for a normal portion size such as 1 apple, 1 egg, or 1 chocolate bar. If you want to know exactly, you can also adjust this amount by specifying a new weight in grams in the input field. Then click on the button "Recalculate" and you will get the exact nutritional content.
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How many carbs in dark chocolate

Is dark chocolate really healthier than light chocolate? Dark chocolate has a particularly high cocoa content, while milk chocolate and white chocolate have higher sugar content. Many therefore assume that dark chocolate generally has fewer calories and is, therefore, healthier than light chocolate. However, the calorie advantage only applies up to a certain percentage of cocoa: the lower addition of sugar cannot outweigh the increasing proportion of the calorie-containing cocoa fat.

Calorie content of chocolate (per 100 g):

• White chocolate: 540 kilocalories

• Milk chocolate: 536 kilocalories

• Dark chocolate (50 percent): 496 kilocalories

• Dark chocolate (70 percent): 598 kilocalories

Nevertheless, the low proportion of sugars can bring health benefits: when eating high-sugar white or milk chocolate, blood sugar levels rise very quickly. This inhibits fat loss and can trigger craving attacks. In the case of dark chocolate, on the other hand, the desire for calorie-containing foods only begins measurably later. It can be considered cheaper because it encourages less to absorb unnecessary calories.

At the same time, the flavanols contained in cocoa have a positive effect on the heart and circulation. The plant substances can make the blood vessels more elastic and slightly lower blood pressure. The higher the cocoa content, i.e. the darker the chocolate, the stronger the effect. Bright chocolate usually contains only 25 percent cocoa – so the healthy effect on the heart is comparatively low, while the high sugar content can have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and weight.

The positive effects of dark chocolate unfold best if you consume only small amounts of it. Servings of up to 20 g are a good measure during the day. Even if the plant substances in cocoa can have a positive effect on health: the high-calorie content and the high proportion of fat can be classified as health-related in case of excessive consumption.